Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Inter-Global Medicares Expansion Strategy Essay

Inter-Global Medicares Expansion Strategy - Essay Example Having good quality product and service packages would likely attract upper and middle class citizens in the market. These people can afford quality health care. In most cases in the developing countries, such people usually seek alternative opinion on medication from the developed countries. The U. S is one such destination for such patients. This puts into perspective the strategic position that the company would have in such markets. Having a health facility that will be able to offer these services within their countries will thus be a relief as it will save on the travel expenses besides the timeliness in cases of emergencies.The potential audiences for this business plan include potential financers such as monetary lending institutions and possible partners. All these have a common interest in the plan; its viability and the promise for returns. The plan must therefore prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it is achievable and practical. In proving these, it is common knowledg e that most African countries are underdeveloped. They lack the quality basic services such as health care. Despite the poverty levels in the continent, it is also evident that it has some of the world’s richest men. The firm is not setting foot in Africa to exploit the people there, but to assure quality for the money that every single client will opt to invest in own health.Inter- Global Medicare offers both services and product delivery. This thus divides its potential market into two.... All these have a common interest in the plan; its viability and the promise for returns. The plan must therefore prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it is achievable and practical. In proving these, it is common knowledge that most African countries are underdeveloped. They lack the quality basic services such as health care. Despite the poverty levels in the continent, it is also evident that it has some of the world’s richest men. The firm is not setting foot in Africa to exploit the people there, but to assure quality for the money that every single client will opt to invest in own health. Inter- Global Medicare offers both services and product delivery. This thus divides its potential market into two. The company runs both a private hospital and an all-inclusive pharmacy. The first market segment includes those who will seek medical services on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. These will be the hospital’s clients. Offering both out and in-patient services , the hospital looks forward to having a very busy schedule. On the other hand, the hospital will run a pharmacy. This is a facility which will be developed within the premises of the hospital. This follows an understanding that there are some ailments in which self-medication is effective in controlling. At one time everyone uses such. However, in the purchase of these, the clients normally attach a lot of importance in the effectiveness of the drugs they buy (Tabbush, 2011). To ensure this, the facility plans to have drugs which are affordable availed to the customers at their convenience. This further widens the customer base because of the price disparity between

Monday, October 28, 2019

Comment The Five Minds of a Manager Essay Example for Free

Comment The Five Minds of a Manager Essay The Five Minds of a Manager the five aspects of the managerial mind—has proved not only powerful in the classroom but insightful in practice, as we hope to demonstrate in this article. We’ll first explain how we came up with the five managerial mind-sets, then we’ll discuss each in some depth before concluding with the case for interweaving the five. The Five Managerial Mind-Sets Jonathan Gosling is the director of the Centre for Leadership Studies at the University of Exeter in Exeter, England. Henry Mintzberg is the Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University in Montreal and the author of the forthcoming book Managers Not MBAs from Berrett-Koehler. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, headquartered in Geneva, has a management development concern. It worries that it may be drifting too far toward a fast-action culture. It knows that it must act quickly in responding to disasters everywhere—earthquakes and wars, floods and famines—but it also sees the need to engage in the slower, more delicate task of building a capacity for action that is careful, thoughtful, and tailored to local conditions and needs. Many business organizations face a similar problem—they know how to execute, but they are not so adept at stepping back to reflect on their situations. Others face the opposite predicament: They get so mired in thinking about their problems that they can’t get things done fast enough. We all know bureaucracies that are great at planning and organizing but slow to respond to market forces, just as we’re all acquainted with the nimble companies that react to every stimulus, but sloppily, and have to be constantly fixing things. And then, of course, there are those that suffer from both afflictions—for example, firms whose marketing departments are absorbed with grand positioning statements while their sales forces chase every possible deal. Those two aspects establish the bounds of management: Everything that every effective manager does is sandwiched between action on the ground and reflection in the abstract. Action without reflection is thoughtless; reflection without action is passive. Every manager has to find a way to combine these two mindsets—to function at the point where reflective thinking meets practical doing. But action and reflection about what? One obvious answer is: about collaboration, about getting things done cooperatively with other people—in negotiations, for example, where a manager cannot act alone. Another answer is that action, reflection, and collaboration have to be rooted in a deep appreciation of reality harvard business review †¢ november 2003 in all its facets. We call this mind-set worldly, which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as â€Å"experienced in life, sophisticated, practical. † Finally, action, reflection, and collaboration, as well as worldliness, must subscribe to a certain rationality or logic; they rely on an analytic mind-set, too. So we have five sets of the managerial mind, five ways in which managers interpret and deal with the world around them. Each has a dominant subject, or target, of its own. For reflection, the subject is the self; there can be no insight without self-knowledge. Collaboration takes the subject beyond the self, into the manager’s network of relationships. Analysis goes a step beyond that, to the organization; organizations depend on the systematic decomposition of activities, and that’s what analysis is all about. Beyond the organization lies what we consider the subject of the worldly mind-set, namely context—the worlds around the organization. Finally, the action mind-set pulls everything together through the process of change—in self, relationships, organization, and context. The practice of managing, then, involves five perspectives, which correspond to the five modules of our program: †¢ Managing self: the reflective mind-set †¢ Managing organizations: the analytic mind-set †¢ Managing context: the worldly mind-set †¢ Managing relationships: the collaborative mind-set †¢ Managing change: the action mind-set If you are a manager, this is your world! Let us make clear several characteristics of this set of sets. First, we make no claim that our framework is either scientific or comprehensive. It simply has proved useful in our work with managers, including in our master’s program. (For more on the program, see the sidebar â€Å"Mind-Sets for Management Development. †) Second, we ask you to consider each of these managerial mind-sets as an attitude, a frame of mind that opens new vistas. Unless you get into a reflective frame of mind, for example, you cannot open yourself to new ideas. You might not even notice such ideas in the first place without a worldly frame of mind. And, of course, you cannot appreciate the buzz, the vistas, and the opportunities of actions unless you engage in them. Third, a word on our word â€Å"mind-sets. † We page 2 The Five Minds of a Manager do not use it to set any manager’s mind. All of us have had more than enough of that. Rather, we use the word in the spirit of a fortune one of us happened to pull out of a Chinese cookie recently: â€Å"Get your mind set. Confidence will lead you on. † We ask you to get your mind set around five key ideas. Then, not just confidence but coherence can lead you on. Think, too, of these mind-sets as mind-sights—perspectives. But be aware that, improperly used, they can also be mine sites. Too much of any of them—obsessive analyzing or compulsive collaborating, for instance—and the mind-set can blow up in your face. Managing Self: The Reflective Mind-Set Managers who are sent off to development courses these days often find themselves being welcomed to â€Å"boot camp. † This is no country club, they are warned; you’ll have to work hard. But this is wrongheaded. While managers certainly don’t need a country club atmosphere for development, neither do they need boot camp. Most managers we know already live boot camp every day. Besides, in real boot camps, soldiers learn to march and obey, not to stop and think. These days, what managers desperately need is to stop and think, to step back and reflect thoughtfully on their experiences. Indeed, in his book Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky makes the interesting point that events, or â€Å"happenings,† become experience only after they have been reflected upon thoughtfully: â€Å"Most people do not accumulate a body of experience. Most people go through life undergoing a series of happenings, which pass through their systems undigested. Happenings become experiences when they are digested, when they are reflected on, related to general patterns, and synthesized. † Unless the meaning is understood, managing is mindless. Hence we take reflection to be that space suspended between experience and explanation, where the mind makes the connections. Imagine yourself in a meeting when someone suddenly erupts with a personal rant. You’re tempted to ignore or dismiss the outburst—you’ve heard, after all, that the person is having problems at home. But why not use it to reflect on your own reaction—whether em- Mind-Sets for Management Development In 1996, when we founded the International Masters Program in Practicing Management with colleagues from around the world, we developed the managerial mind-sets as a new way to structure management education and development. Managers are sent to the IMPM by their companies, preferably in groups of four or five. They stay on the job, coming into our classrooms for five modules of two weeks each, one for each of the mindsets, over a period of 16 months. We open with a module on the reflective mind-set. The module is located at Lancaster University in the reflective atmosphere of northern England—the nearby hills and lakes inspire reflection on the purpose of life and work. Then it is on to McGill University in Montreal, where the grid-like regularity of the city reflects the energy and order of the analytic mind-set. The worldly mind-set on context comes alive at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, where new technologies jostle ancient traditions on the crowded streets. Then comes the collabora- harvard business review †¢ november 2003 tive mind-set, hosted by faculty in Japan, where collaboration has been the key to managerial innovations, and Korea, where alliances and partnerships have become the basis for business growth. Last is the action mind-set module, located at Insead in France, where emerging trends from around the world convert into lessons for managerial action. So our locations not only teach the mindsets but also encourage the participating managers to live them. And so have we, in the very conception of the program. Our approach to management development is fundamentally reflective. We believe managers need to step back from the pressures of their jobs and reflect thoughtfully on their experiences. We as faculty members bring concepts; the participants bring experience. Learning occurs where these meet—in individual heads, small groups, and all together. Our 50-50 rule says that half the classroom time should be turned over to the participants, on their agendas. The program is fully collaborative all around. There is no lead school; much of the organizational responsibility is distributed. Likewise, the faculty’s relationship with the participants is collaborative. And faculty members work closely with the participating companies, which over the past eight years have included Alcan, BT, EDF Group and Gaz de France, Fujitsu, the International Red Cross Federation, LG, Lufthansa, Matsushita, Motorola, Royal Bank of Canada, and Zeneca. We think of our setting as being especially worldly, because the participating managers and faculty host their colleagues at home, in their own cultures, and are guests abroad. We also believe that the program’s reflective orientation allows us to probe into analysis more deeply than in regular education and work. Finally, our own purpose is action: We seek fundamental change in management education worldwide—to help change business schools into true schools of management. page 3 The Five Minds of a Manager These days, what managers desperately need is to stop and think—to step back and reflect thoughtfully on their experiences. barrassment, anger, or frustration—and so recognize some comparable feelings in yourself? Your own reaction now becomes a learning experience for you: You have opened a space for imagination, between your experience and your explanation. It can make all the difference. Organizations may not need â€Å"mirror people,† who see in everything only reflections of their own behavior. But neither do they need â€Å"window people,† who cannot see beyond the images in front of them. They need managers who see both ways—in a sense, ones who look out the window at dawn, to see through their own reflections to the awakening world outside. â€Å"Reflect† in Latin means to refold, which suggests that attention turns inward so that it can be turned outward. This means going beyond introspection. It means looking in so that you can better see out in order to perceive a familiar thing in a different way—a product as a service, maybe, or a customer as a partner. Does that not describe the thinking of the really successful managers, the Andy Groves of the world? Compare such people with the Messiers and Lays, who dazzle with great mergers and grand strategies before burning out their companies. Likewise, reflective managers are able to see behind in order to look ahead. Successful â€Å"visions† are not immaculately conceived; they are painted, stroke by stroke, out of the experiences of the past. Reflective managers, in other words, have a healthy respect for history—not just the grand history of deals and disasters but also the everyday history of all the little actions that make organizations work. Consider in this regard Kofi Annan’s deep personal understanding of the United Nations, a comprehension that has been the source of his ability to help move that complex body to a different and better place. You must appreciate the past if you wish to use the present to get to a better future.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reading Nightmares :: essays papers

Reading Nightmares Reading nightmares exist at many different levels. There are nightmares at the national and state levels. There are nightmares within the field of reading education, and with teachers across all subject areas. This is a key point in the article â€Å"Exploring reading nightmares of middles and secondary school teachers† by William P. Bintz. At the national and state levels, research indicates that students experience a declining interest and slowing development in reading from the seventh grade on (Farr, Fay, Myers , & Ginsberg, 1987). They â€Å"demonstrate gains in reading during the early years, these gains seem to taper off in the middle and upper grades, and decline during the high school years.† (Chall 4) Many studies give strength to this argument that reading nightmares occur nationally. They show that students have difficulty with tasks requiring interpretations of what they read, that students do little, if any, reading in school and for homework, and that there is a decline in reading skills amongst 12th graders. (Bintz 13). Goodland (1984) believes that this problem may exist because of the relationship between time spent on reading instruction and the decline in reading abilities. He points out that â€Å"reading occupies only approximately 6% of class time in elementary school, 3% in junior High school, and 2% in senior high school. â€Å" (p 106-107). It is noted that 8th grade students watch TV, on average, almost 22 hours per week. They read for less than 2. (Humphrey 23). Reading instruction, as a field of study, is also ripe with nightmares. Too often, educators make assumptions about reading and its’ instruction. These include â€Å"(a) Reading instruction is primarily, if not exclusively, the role of elementary, not middle and secondary school teachers; and (b) reading is an isolated skill; once mastered in the elementary grades students require no further instruction.† (Bintz 14) As Burnett is keen to show, these attitudes are changing, but slowly. Teachers on the secondary level are still hesitant to get involved in reading instruction. They see themselves as teachers of content. But, perhaps, as Summers states, maybe the content area teachers are hesitant because they, along with many language arts teachers, aren’t properly trained to provide reading instruction. Regardless of content area, all teachers are seeing the same nightmares.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Books and e-books Essay

Some people believe that printed books are no longer necessary in this digital era, as all writings can be stored electronically. Others think print books till play important role. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  In the past few years, e-books have been sold or downloaded for free in large numbers on the internet. These books and e-readers are challenging convention reading habits making the sales of traditional books decreased. But it still needs much consideration before eliminating altogether the need for printed books. There is no doubt that e-books are able to offer huge amount of information with feather like weight. Readers do not have to face the difficult choice of which book should be taken with on vacation, as one single e-reader like kindle or Nook would hold all the books you might want to read on the trip with no extra space in suitcase being wasted. E-books are also strong contenders when it comes to pricing. Because they are delivered in digital format, a part of the overhead including printing, storing and distribution can be avoided. And many classic books are free online, which is a boon to readers who only need a partly review or reference from those books. However, we cannot ignore a fact that the popularity of digital books can be a bit daunting for many readers who are used to going to the local book store, browsing the aisles and perhaps reading any chapter before purchasing. Or, there still are some senior readers who are reluctant to buy and learn to use an e-reader instead of holding a real book and making note wherever they want. Then when we talk about personal book collections, electronic ones can hardly be involved. Privately owned printed books can typically be displayed neatly as part of the household collection. These books may build up a reader’s spirit world and be good company as having friends being around. The bottom line is that both printed books and e-books have something to offer. We cannot simply eliminate the use of any single format because they are needed in different situation by various kinds of readers. They are all  making life better.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Stolen Valor Act

Why can't we try to deter willful misrepresentations of fact by a modest fine, at least, if they create direct harm to others? Lies to those evaluating your credentials may do direct harm to others. If one lies to gain a job, something which seems to happen with increasing frequency, isn’t it a direct harm to others? Or, how about false representing as having received any credentials for something? The Stolen Valor Act of 2005, signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2006,[1] was a U. S. law that broadened the provisions of previous U. S. aw addressing the unauthorized wear, manufacture, or sale of any military decorations and medals. The law made it a federal misdemeanor to falsely represent oneself as having received any U. S. military decoration or medal. If convicted, defendants might have been imprisoned for up to six months, unless the decoration lied about is the Medal of Honor, in which case imprisonment could have been up to one year (Wikipedia). I personally don’t have any family members in the military, but I know friends who are in the military and I know they would be highly offended if someone falsely represented themselves to be a member of the military.Those men and women who serve our country risk their lives and have put work into whatever credentials they have earned and it is a great disrespect for anyone to falsely give oneself credit for something they have not earned. The purpose of the Act was to strengthen the provisions of federal law by broadening its scope and strengthening penalties. Specific new provisions in the Act included: †¢granting more authority to federal law enforcement officers; †¢broadening the law to cover false claims whereas previously an overt act had to be committed; †¢covering the mailing and shipping of medals; and protecting the reputation and meaning of military heroism medals. The Act made it illegal for unauthorized persons to wear, buy, sell, barter, trade, or manufacture â€Å"any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the armed forces of the United States, or any of the service medals or badges awarded to the members of such forces. † In the 18 months after the act was enacted, the Chicago Tribune estimated there were twenty prosecutions. The number increased as awareness of the law spread (Wikipedia).The number of prosecutions continued to increase. Therefore, it was very clear that this was a tremendous issue and that the Stolen Valor Act was serving its purpose. Unfortunately, the majority disagreed saying that there is no proof that lying about medals degrades the value and honor of those who have actually earned those medals. Who could possibly agree to this? Well, government lawyers argued that lies about military medals are false statements that have no value and hence no first Amendment protection.On Thursday September 13, 2012, the U. S. House of Representatives passed a new version of the Stolen Valor Act. The f irst version of the Stolen Valor Act was struck down by the Supreme Court as a violation of the First Amendment. The bill focuses not on people who lie about having medals they didn't earn, but on any profits they make from lying about the medals, which is essentially criminal fraud. Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nevada) sponsored the new bill. His office issued a release saying the bill passed by a vote of 410-3.Heck said in a floor speech that the bill would survive judicial review because it resolves the â€Å"constitutional issues by clearly defining that the objective of the law is to target and punish those who misrepresent the alleged service with the intent of profiting personally or financially. † The bill targets those who falsely claim to have earned certain major military decorations, including the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, Air Force Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart or a medal signifying you served in combat (CNNPolitics).In 2007, there was a cas e against a man named Xavier Alvarez who was an elected member of the Three Valleys Municipal Water District Board in Pomona, California. Alvarez said at a public water district board meeting that he was a retired Marine, had been â€Å"wounded many times,† and had been â€Å"awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor† in 1987(NBCNews). However, he never served in the United States armed forces. Alvarez argued that his false statements were protected by the first Amendment right of free speech.Regardless, of his freedom of speech or anyone’s, no one should be giving the right to lie about something so serious especially, if it dishonors the men and women who serve for us and our country. I believe that there should be a law protecting military members against people like Alvarez. Unfortunately, the majority opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy said, â€Å"The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true. This is the ordinary course in a free society. He a lso quoted from the famous dissent by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in the 1919 Abrams decision: â€Å"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. Some false statements are inevitable if there is to be an open and vigorous expression of views in public and private conversation, expression the First Amendment seeks to guarantee† (NBCNews). Kennedy might have a point, but I strongly disagree and believe it is unethical period.Moreover, the government shouldn’t allow anyone to make false statements of any kind if it disrespects their country and their people. This act has definitely been a long debate for some of us with reasoned arguments on both sides. In my view it’s unethical and it should have not been struck down by the Supreme Court. Yes, we live in a country with freedom of speech, but this has abused such privilege. So why not punish someone when they’ve abused such privilege?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Terrorism in the Modern world essays

Terrorism in the Modern world essays Terrorism. It is a word that strikes fear into many. Terrorism has been around since the beginning of time, and has caused empires to rise, fall, and allowed people to gain power. Terrorism is a growing problem in this unstable world. A simple act of terrorism can cause tensions to break between two countries, as seen with Israel and Palestine's conflicts due to religious beliefs and territory disputes. Among the various potential threats are wars with neighboring countries, missile attacks on cites, biological and chemical terrorism, suicide bombings, and hostage taking. In an April 1999 survey the most feared terrorism was bombings on US soil. (Cole, 1) There are many ways to combat terrorism. First, would be an international team that is always on call to respond to terrorist threats, and retrieve hostages with minimal loss of life. The second is gun control, which would limit the weapons accessed by potential terrorists. The last thing is to recognize terrorist organizations befo re they have a chance to attack. Terrorism has been around since the days of ancient Egypt. People have been killing leaders of countries to try and overthrow the government, and for the past one hundred and twenty years terrorists have had new weapons of mass destruction, such as bombs. Many political figures in the past were assassinated: King Tut in Egypt, who was poisoned and hit in the back of the head by a political rival, the members of the Roman Senate and Brutus, his best friend, killed Caesar. John Wilkes Booth, a southerner who was angry about the way the Civil War turned out assassinated Abraham Lincoln; and Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. But terrorism in revealing itself in new forms in this modern world, such as massacres, hijackings, attacks on U.S troops, and hostage taking. But there is a difference between a criminal and a terrorist. A criminal is after money or drugs, while a terrorist is after the long-term disruption of ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks

Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks Period Goes Inside Quotation Marks By Maeve Maddox Derrick Grant writes: Ive always been perplexed on whether the period goes inside the quotations or outside, when the sentence is not quoting someone. For example: They didnt describe it as a budget cut, they called it streamlining services. Does the period go inside the quote or outside? Ive seen it, in professional publications, done both ways, leading me to think that both are correct; however, I have the ALWAYS put a period INSIDE the quotes statement burned into my head from my old English high school teacher. If both methods are correct, Im inclined to think putting it outside the quotes, in the above example, looks more appropriate. Thoughts? The two most popular U.S. authorities agree with Derricks high school English teacher. AP Style book: Periods always go inside quotation marks. p 361 Chicago Manual of Style: Periods and commas precede closing quotation marks, whether double or single. This is a traditional style, in use well before the first edition of this manual (1906) Section 6:8 The CMS goes on to describe exceptions for textual studies and British usage, but for practical purposes, writers of American English can go with the ALWAYS put a period INSIDE the quotes mantra. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their SynonymsEbook, eBook, ebook or e-book?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Defective Verbs in Spanish

Defective Verbs in Spanish The term defective verb (verbo defectivo) is applied to at least three types of verbs in Spanish: 1. Verbs that logically are conjugated in the third person only. These verbs, sometimes known as impersonal verbs, are the verbs of weather and natural phenomena, such as amanecer (to dawn), anochecer (to get dark), helar (to freeze), granizar (to hail), llover (to rain), nevar (to snow), relampaguear (to flash lightning) and tronar (to thunder). Occasionally, you may see or hear these verbs used in a personal or figurative sense in other than the third person, although such usage is quite rare. If one were, for example, anthropomorphizing Mother Nature and she were speaking in the first person, it would be more common to use an expression such as hago nieve (literally, I make snow) rather than coining a first-person construction of nevar. 2. Verbs where certain forms of conjugation dont exist. Spanish has a handful of verbs that some authorities indicate dont exist in all conjugations, although there is no apparent logical reason why they wouldnt. The most common of these is abolir (to abolish), which some grammar guides and dictionaries say is conjugated only in forms where the suffix begins with -i. (The illegitimate forms include most present-tense conjugations and some commands.) Thus, for example, according to these authorities, abolimos (we abolish) is a legitimate conjugation, but abolo (I abolish) is not. These days, however, the full conjugation of abolir is recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy, so theres no real need to avoid using any particular conjugated form. Three other verbs that supposedly arent conjugated without endings beginning with -i are agredir (to attack), balbucir (to babble), and blandir (to brandish). Additionally, a handful of uncommon verbs are used rarely, if at all, in forms other than the infinitive and past participle; these include aterirse (to be freezing stiff), despavorir (to be terrified), desolar (to destroy) and empedernir (to petrify). Finally, soler (a verb that has no direct equivalent in English but is roughly translated as to be usually) is not conjugated in the conditional, future and (according to some authorities) preterite tenses. 3. Verbs such as gustar that frequently are used in the third person followed by the verbs subject and preceded by an object. Gustar is used in sentences such as me gustan las manzanas for I like apples; typically the word that is the subject in the English translation becomes the indirect object of the Spanish verb. Other verbs that are usually used in the same way include doler (to cause pain), encantar (to enchant), faltar (to be insufficient), importar (to matter), parecer (to seem), quedar (to remain) and sorprender (to surprise). These verbs arent true defective verbs, because they exist in all conjugations, even though they are most common in the third person. The way they are used also doesnt seem to be particularly unusual to native Spanish speakers; they tend initially to be confusing to English speakers learning Spanish because of the way they are translated.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

BHE 314 Mod 4 SLP Environmental Health and Safety Essay

BHE 314 Mod 4 SLP Environmental Health and Safety - Essay Example In the result, bacteria, parasites, and different germs are mixed with beach water, which results in different illnesses. Individuals with diarrhea and vomiting problems are one of the major causes of water contamination. Secondly, it is noted that irregular bowel movements of children are also a major cause of contamination of beach waters. (WHO, 2003) Another main factor that contributes to beach water contamination is sewage water that mixes in the beach water and results in millions of bacteria in the water. Feces and urine are some of the components of human waste that consist in sewage water. Although the United States has effective sewage treatment plans; however, network of pipes often malfunctions and results in the leakage of such contaminated water in recreational waters and beaches. Studies have indicated that a waterborne protozoan, Cryptosporidium parvum emerges in after contaminated sewage-water mixes in beach waters. Even after much advancement in innovative scientific methods, it is very difficult to eliminate the emergence of abovementioned protozoan from water, which causes a number of waterborne diseases. In the year 2000, existence of abovementioned bacterium affected hundreds of U.S. residents that visited recreational water beaches. In the month of July 2001, the same bacterium affected more than fifty-two people that were exposed with the same protozoan at a recreational beach. (WHO, 2003) Every year, hundreds of complaints are registered regarding the waterborne illnesses that are caused after visiting recreational water facilities in different parts of the country, and therefore, it is important that effective steps should be taken to eliminate the factors that cause such contamination. Experts have indicated that humans are exposed with contaminated water in recreational beaches through different routes. During swimming, swimmers accidentally drink contaminated water that

Anatomy & Physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anatomy & Physiology - Essay Example t concluded studies so far conducted contend the world has approximately 6.3 million people who are experiencing Parkinson’s disease (PD) (Medtronic, 2010). Out of this global population, 1.2 million emanate from Europe whereby according to varied medical practitioners and researchers the number keeps on increasing by the day. (Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine and Okun (2009) in their study claim approximately 750,000 up to 1Million are USA citizens whereas between 120,000 and 130,000 emanate from UK. However, PD’s prevalence and incidence studies for long have been affected by survival rates whereby the former is higher compared to the latter (Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine & Okun, 2009). Consequently, this implies those at risk of contracting PD their respective age is over 50 years as depicted in Figure 1. According to Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine and Okun (2009) study, the earliest symptoms of PD among numerous patients usually start showing up at 60 years. Hence, impl ying the disease is quite common among the elderly especially those whom their ages fall between 75 and 85 years living in Europe and USA’s regions (Peretz et al. 2014, p. 70). People comprising this demography their number in these regions is currently showing a rapid increase besides having complications that contribute to PD problem (Peretz et al. 2014, p. 70). This is because of dysfunction of nigra neurons, which are susceptible to loss with age (Reeve, Eve & Doug Turnbull, 2014, p. 19). Figure 1: Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine & Okun. (2009). Prevalence of Idiopathic PD by age. [E-Book] Available at: [Accessed 1st June 2014] Besides age, studies have also confirmed environmental and ethnicity comprises key predisposing factors towards contracting PD predicament. Globally, PD

Friday, October 18, 2019

LITERATURE REVIEW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

LITERATURE REVIEW - Essay Example † In the same context, the paper therefore seeks to establish the different ethical issues that may affect the running of a multinational company. This is important because the success of human resource management of any company is highly dependent on ethical issues put in place by the entire management board. According to Trevino and Nelson (2012, p.215), ethical issues regardless of the cultural situation are defined by primary and secondary stakeholders. The paper will therefore bring into view the different ethical issues as indicated by the Abraham’s Stakeholder model and try to figure out the strength of these ethical issues as would determine the success of human resource management and progressive development in a company operating multi-nationally. Stakeholders That Determine Company Ethics Business partners Partnership in a business can be a much polarised issue when unethical business actions are put in place by one organization. According to Pige (2002, p.4), a business will run effectively if the business partners perceive it as being beneficial to them. In this case, they are bound to support each other in their various capacities and the various business entities. For instance, if Western Airlines is a company that benefits the economy of a non-western nation like China, the business partners in China will support its operations there. However, if there is suspicion of market dominance by the Chinese partners, there is bound to be creation of unethical business acts to scare away the market from the Western Airlines. This creates a very complicated system in the management of the foreign company as unethical acts may require a lot of public relations to regain the diminishing glory (Phillips, 2011, p. 81). In this case, the issue of â€Å"who or what counts† come in and there is a high level misunderstanding. However, if these two companies have a sound business partnership, there will be a high level ethical business partners hip and ability to create good public relations to each other (Kardys, 2012, p. 2). Customers These are the modest reasons for the existence of any company. From a background perspective, Regelbrugge (1998, p.3) indicates that any business must do all it takes to create a high level market for its products. This is in line with expansion of the customers and rendering their needs to their satisfaction. Any unethical act that hurts the customers goes a long way in alienating a company from a market. Multinational companies in the same way face a very tricky situation in trying to maintain the same in the wake of the unethical issue. A recent article by Soni (2009, p.4) maintained the same idea by insisting that if company staffs mishandle a customer, it may go a long way in becoming unethical in the entire customer society. The business will therefore lose a high level customer base to its competitors who are always at standby to initiate these into their company products. Employees Ethics inside an organization has not been a recent issue. As indicated earlier, the motivation to work effectively is levelled towards the beneficial factors that can be realised at the end of the whole process. Employees always have competing goals. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there is always a need to be happy and the need for satisfaction comes in. The management levels in all organizations however are never the same. Some are horizontal while

Group project (costco) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Group project (costco) - Essay Example This aspect includes the function of providing a particular product or a service. The key operations management issues include designing, planning and management of the system. Most of the problems associated with operations management at Costco include setting of the plan layout and structure, methods used in project management, selection and replacement of equipment. Specific operations issues at Costco involve equipment maintenance policies, traffic and material handling, quality control and inspection, inventory management and process scheduling. Some of these problems are associated with system design, system management and planning of the system Technology plays an important role in streamlining an organization’s operations. It increases efficiency, productivity, reduces energy, manufacturing and labor costs, enhances communication, and enables smooth integration of day-to-day activities. Costco has not been left out in using technology in its business operations. The company manages more than 300 warehouses that house brand name merchandise at low costs. In order for Costco to offer high quality products at cheap prices, it had to establish faster communication with thousands of vendors at any given moment. The company could no more tolerate long delays when trying to access common documents such as invoices, debit or credit memos or purchase orders. Prompt access to transaction documents was not available. Costco also stored and processed large volumes of paperwork, which needed to be accessed easily. All these hardships could only be solved with the appropriate technology. The initial solution was offered by Image Source executive team in 1992 (Collier & Evans, 2012). Costco also uses Oracle Imaging and Process Management software for file storage and retrieval. The company has also utilized technology for scanning images and barcode indexing processes. Initially, 50 Costco users scanned

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Liability of the Manufacturers and Their Conduct in Case of Essay

The Liability of the Manufacturers and Their Conduct in Case of Accidents - Essay Example Courts have considered on a case to case basis the liability of the manufacturers and their conduct in case of accidents. For instance, in the case of Messina v. Clark Equipment, 263 F.2d 291, C.A.2 1959, the Court dismissed the appeal in an action against the manufacturer of the earth mover in order to recover for machine operator’s death. In this case, the machine operator was killed while he was raising the scissor arms and bucket, and they had shut off the motor, and while doing this, he was actually getting out of cab when bucket fell causing him to be crushed between the scissor arms and the cab (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). The Court dismissed the appeal because there was an absence of showing that there was indeed a hidden defect or concealed danger in earth mover (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). It reasoned that under the New York law, a manufacturer has no duty to a remote user beyond the duty to keep the article of manufacture free from hidden defects or danger s (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). Thus, if a remote user such as in this case, sues a manufacturer of an article for injuries suffered, he must allege and prove the existence of a latent defect or a danger not known to plaintiff or other users (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). Citing the case of Campo v. Schofield, 301 N.Y. 468, 95 N.E.2d 802 (1950), the Court explained that, â€Å"If a manufacturer does everything necessary to make the machine function properly for the purpose for which it is designed, if the machine is without any latent defect, and if its functioning creates no danger or peril that is not known to the user, then the manufacturer has satisfied the law's demands.†

Classic style posits a symmetry between writer and reader Essay

Classic style posits a symmetry between writer and reader - Essay Example The major components, which surrounded the classic style rests on the pillar of clarity along with simplicity (Thomas and Turner 7-16). Moreover, the prose was pure, daring, relentless and cool. The presentation through the classic style was transparent as well. The classic style was governed with a clear direction as well as goal, which enabled readers to understand that goal coherently. The style was based on fundamental decisions. Classic style incorporated not only the aspect of truth, but it also comprised anything that would seek not merely the orthodox knowledge. However, it also embraced the judgment capacity. Correspondingly, a twenty-first-century college student style can be firmly identified to embrace the element of clarity, transparency as well as style that expands beyond the truth to exploring new ideas. Similar to that of the classical style, a twenty-first-century college students style also does not rest on the single point. In addition, certain commonality amid these categories of people can be identified, which include the element of authenticity, self-sufficient and competent (Thomas and Turner

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Liability of the Manufacturers and Their Conduct in Case of Essay

The Liability of the Manufacturers and Their Conduct in Case of Accidents - Essay Example Courts have considered on a case to case basis the liability of the manufacturers and their conduct in case of accidents. For instance, in the case of Messina v. Clark Equipment, 263 F.2d 291, C.A.2 1959, the Court dismissed the appeal in an action against the manufacturer of the earth mover in order to recover for machine operator’s death. In this case, the machine operator was killed while he was raising the scissor arms and bucket, and they had shut off the motor, and while doing this, he was actually getting out of cab when bucket fell causing him to be crushed between the scissor arms and the cab (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). The Court dismissed the appeal because there was an absence of showing that there was indeed a hidden defect or concealed danger in earth mover (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). It reasoned that under the New York law, a manufacturer has no duty to a remote user beyond the duty to keep the article of manufacture free from hidden defects or danger s (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). Thus, if a remote user such as in this case, sues a manufacturer of an article for injuries suffered, he must allege and prove the existence of a latent defect or a danger not known to plaintiff or other users (Messina v. Clark Equipment 291). Citing the case of Campo v. Schofield, 301 N.Y. 468, 95 N.E.2d 802 (1950), the Court explained that, â€Å"If a manufacturer does everything necessary to make the machine function properly for the purpose for which it is designed, if the machine is without any latent defect, and if its functioning creates no danger or peril that is not known to the user, then the manufacturer has satisfied the law's demands.†

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Stats30 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stats30 - Essay Example Answer True False   Question 4    If the data for a chi-square test for independence form a 2?2 matrix, then the value obtained for the chi-square statistic will be influenced by the sample size, but the value for the phi-coefficient will not. Answer True False   Question 5    In general, a large value for the chi-square statistic indicates that the null hypothesis is correct. Answer True False   Question 6    The phi-coefficient can be used to measure effect size for a chi-square test for independence provided there are exactly two categories for each of the two variables. Answer True False   Question 7    Which of the following is a characteristic of a nonparametric test? Answer a. A numerical score is required for each individual. b. The hypotheses concern population means and variances. c. The test requires assumptions about the population means or variances. d. none of the above   Question 8    The null hypothesis for the chi-square test for goodness of fit s pecifies ____. Answer a. proportions for the entire population b. proportions for the sample c. frequencies for the entire population d. frequencies for the sample   Question 9    Which of the following accurately describes the observed and expected frequencies in a chi-square test? Answer a. Both the observed and expected frequencies will always be whole numbers. b. The observed frequencies are always whole numbers but the expected frequencies may be decimals or fractions. c. The expected frequencies are always whole numbers but the observed frequencies may be decimals or fractions. d. Both the observed and expected frequencies may be decimals or fractions.   Question 10    A researcher obtains a value of ?8.50 for a chi-square statistic. What can you conclude because the value is negative? Answer a. The observed frequencies are consistently larger than the expected frequencies. b. The expected frequencies are consistently larger than the observed frequencies. c. There are large differences between the observed and expected frequencies. d. The researcher made a mistake. The value of chi-square cannot be negative.   Question 11    A chi-square test for independence is used to evaluate the relationship between two variables. If one variable is classified into four categories and the other variable is classified into two categories, then the chi-square statistic will have ____. Answer a. df = 3 b. df = 7 c. df = 8 d. cannot determine the value of df from the information provided   Question 12    The chi-square test for goodness of fit will produce a large value for chi-square when ____. Answer a. the sample proportions match the hypothesized population proportions b. the sample proportions are much different than the hypothesized population proportions c. the sample mean is close to the population mean d. there is a large difference between the sample mean and the population mean   Question 13    The sample data for a chi-square test are call ed ____. Answer a. expected frequencies b. observed frequencies c. expected proportions d. observed proportions   Question 14    A researcher would like to test the claim that 9 out of 10 doctors prefer Brand X. A sample of 60 doctors is obtained and each is asked to compare Brand X with another leading brand. The data show that 48 of the doctors picked Brand X. If these data are evaluated using a chi-square test f

Monday, October 14, 2019

Professional Values and Awareness Essay Example for Free

Professional Values and Awareness Essay In this assignment I will identify issues that affect the care provided in a home for adults with learning disabilities. Using the case study format I will focus on the interpersonal relationships and identify the underlying factors that influence them, then provide explanations for these by applying established theories. Churton (2000:214) describes a case study as a detailed investigation of a single research area. The case study will form a unique representation of the individuals involved at the time they were observed. As a single study the outcomes may not be representative of all care homes, but it is reasonable to assume many issues may be similar. As a student I was able to observe both staff and clients in their normal routines. I was accepted as a member of the care team and took part in daily activities. This form of research is described in Giddens (1997:542) as Participant observation. Becker describe the role of the researcher as someone who watches the people he is studying to see what situations they ordinarily meet and how they behave in them (cited in Marsh I. 1996:124), however the by taking on a role within the group that justifies their presence the researcher acts as more than a passive observer and becomes a participant. As a stranger to the group my presence will have affected the behaviour of the clients and studies have shown that the presence of students affects the way that qualified staff work (Reed J Procter S. 1993:31). My own preconceived ideas of Learning disabilities and the staff and clients previous experience of students will all have contributed to the behaviour I witnessed. On my first day at the placement I was introduced to my mentor (the deputy manager). We discussed the homes basic philosophy and the clients disabilities. I was introduced to the nine clients, and the staff approximately 15. During this first meeting my mentor made me feel welcome and allayed some of my fears about the placement. Unfortunately other than two brief conversations this was the only time I worked with her over the six-week placement. The staff are mostly female with only four male staff. They were of all ages and came from a mix of races and religions, some single and others married with children. All of the staff are support workers and most have NVQ level 3 or are currently studying towards it. I found all the staff very friendly and felt welcome, but I also felt a like a spare part, as the clients were encouraged to do things for themselves, very little intervention was necessary. Record keeping, giving medication and supervising the clients at the many activities they attended were the main tasks. The days soon became very predictable with set activities and opportunities to be achieved. The slowness of the day meant that staff talked a lot, discussing personal matters as well as how they felt about the clients and their jobs. Conversation included issues around the low regard support workers had from the general public and other health care professionals, the quantity of paper work to be completed daily and the emphasis placed on it, little support and understanding from the management, and having to attend college in there own time. My personal performance was influenced most by the lack of a mentor. Without a mentor to shadow I would try to latch onto a member of staff only to find that we were on different activities or were at the end of their shift. My shifts and my mentors were not together, when I asked the manager if I could swap my weekend to the same as my mentors, she told me that there was no need for me to work with my mentor at all. I was left feeling very isolated. The need for student and mentor to work together as much as possible to build successful relationship is highlighted in Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res Study Skills for Nurses (Maslin-Prothero1997:32). Good mentoring is a two-way process requiring willingness from both mentor and mentee to build a collaborative relationship (Ellis et al 1995:121, Ajiboye P. 2000:11). Formal mentoring is relatively new to nursing (Maslin-Prothero 1997:51), and is closely related to Project 2000 (Salvage J.1999:14). The ENB define mentors as an appropriately qualified and experienced first-level nurse/midwife/health visitor who by example guides assists and supports the student in learning new skills, adopting new behaviour and acquiring new attitudes (as cited in Quinn F. 1995:188). Mentorship has existed for centuries with references dating back to Greek mythology (Ellis R. et al 1995:109), and it is widely used for career development in business, where mentors are role models, talent developers and door openers(Tyson S. Jackson T. 1992:121). There are several theories on how mentoring works, most emphasise the mentor as a facilitator allowing the student to experiment while ensuring the safety of the patient/clients, and providing a developmental bridge between theory and practice (Ellis R. et al 1995:109). Communication and interpersonal skills are the foundations on which a successful relationship is built and are therefore essential skills in a mentor (Ellis R. et al 1995:121). However the mentor themselves may be the most important factor. A mentor is a role model good or bad. Hopefully the student will witness a high standard of practice and set their own standards similarly. But when the standard is low it depends on the students knowledge of the theory as to whether they choose to imitate the mentor or apply their own higher standard. Bandura (cited in Ellis R. et al 1995:116) describes this process as Social Learning Theory, a three-stage process. Stage 1 Observational Learning: Imitating a good role model Stage 2 Inhibitory/Disinhibitory Effects: bad practice rejected or imitated Stage 3 Eliciting Effect: good practices learned and core knowledge improved. The break down of the mentor mentee relationship on my placement may have been for variety of reasons, poor communication, unrealistic expectations or time constraints. Supernumerary students have time to observe and reflect, but mentors may have an already busy schedule and supervising students can become just another pressure (Reed J. Procter S. 1993:36). Students in this environment may find themselves being used as another pair of hands (Ajiboye P. 2000:11). Many texts cite good leadership of the manager as vital to forming an atmosphere conducive to learning (Quinn F. 1995:182). A good manager will find time to inspire staff to enthusiastically provide high quality care (Grohar-Murray 1997:125). In the philosophy of care/service values of the placement it states that we have a well trained staff who have achieved a NVQ in care or are working towards it (not referenced to protect confidentiality). However the staff studying the NVQ had to attend college in there own time. This caused resentment towards the management as the staff felt that the qualification was for the companys benefit, but at their expense. Tappen (1995:69) recognises that by allocating staff time to attend lectures or college days without them incurring financial penalties the outlook is changed from just gaining a paper qualification to an opportunity to develop skills and increase personal knowledge. Encouraging staff to develop new skills is a great motivator. Motivation has been described as the oil that keeps the machinery turning (Dell T. 1988:59) and is a key element in many leader/management theories. Many motivation theories are based around the concept of fulfilling needs. Maslow (1968 cited in Hogston R. Simpson P. 1999:295/303) devised a hierarchy with seven levels, the first level are basic physical needs such as food and water progressing up to more psychological needs of self fulfilment. Individuals climb the pyramid a step at a time motivated by fulfilment at the previous level (see appendix 1). Kafka (1986 cited in Tappen 1995:304) offers five basic factors for motivation, Economic security, Control, Recognition, Personal self-worth and Belonging. But unlike Maslow the five may be placed in any order, as one person may be motivated more by the need to belong than the need for money (see appendix 2). Self-esteem/worth and belonging are needs common to both Maslow and Kafka. If managers boost self-esteem by acknowledging good practice and recognising achievements they enhance the feeling of belonging. Without feedback staff often feel overlooked and isolated. To be constructive feedback should contain both positive and negative elements and be based on observed behaviour, given objectively it can highlight areas that need strengthening and increase motivation. Kron (1981 cited in Tappen R. 1995:420) described this positive feed back as a psychological paycheque. The need to belong affects students, when they are included in procedures, and given opportunities to express opinions and dont feel in the way they become part of the team. Being accepted boosts self-esteem and motivates learning (Oliver R Endersby C. 1994:94) Dell statement that people work harder for recognition than for money(Dell T. 1988:59) is supported by a study of the affect of incentives such as pay increases and shorter hours. When each incentive was implemented productivity was found to increase. When the incentives were removed and working conditions returned to normal it was expected that the productivity would fall. In fact productivity rose to the highest levels ever. Mayos conclusion was that being in the study had caused the group to bond (belong) and that the interest (recognition) showed by researchers had encouraged the workers to achieve the level they believed the researchers expected of them (Mayo E. 1933 cited in Barratt M. Mottershead A. 1999:74). If the security of belonging is absent self-esteem deteriorates which can lead to an increase in complaints and fatigueand absenteeism is likely to rise(Barratt M. Mottershead A. 1999:73). Lack of appreciation and support are two of the ten factors cited by Tappen (1995:455) that contribute to burnout. As the most caring and most highly committed are often the ones most prone to burnout (Eisenstat Felner cited in Crawford J. 1990:48) its frequently linked to health care. Burnout is defined as, (Kozier B et al 2000:1387). an overwhelming feeling that can lead to physical and emotional depletion, a negative attitude and self concept, and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness There are many methods to prevent burnout. One of these I observed, and have been guilty of my self, is the ability to suddenly become deaf. For example one client would continually ask for a cup of tea, to which staff would respond youve just had one and the client would reply Ive just had one and walk away. But if the frequency of requests increased or they interrupted another activity staff would often pretend not to hear, they would ovoid eye contact and turn away. By ignoring the client it extended the periods between acknowledged requests. For the same reason this client was always last to receive his cup of tea when it was being made for the group. This coping mechanism denial is one of many established ways to deal with stress (Kenworthy N. 1996:91). In denial you reject the thing that is unacceptable choosing to believe it isnt there. Denial is very similar to repression where although aware of the feelings you block them out, Tappen suggest that this can leave the caregiver with a vague sense of unease towards the client. Having denied hearing the request staff would then repress their guilt, leaving them with an uneasy feeling towards the client. This practice while not acceptable, had no long-term affects on the client as he would simply ask again a few minutes later, however if all requests where dealt with in the same way it could become harmful to the client (Tappen R. 1995:11). Another behaviour I witnessed was the reliance on PRN medication; a different client was very vocal following staff around the home asking questions about her forthcoming blood test. After a couple of failed attempts to reassure her it was decided she needed PRN to clam her down. The staff had coped by rationalising the situation. Rationalisation uses one explanation to cover up a less acceptable one i.e. their reason for giving the medication was to calm the client down. But the real reason was it would stop her bothering them with questions. (Tappen R.1995:11). Often in learning disabilities carers see a clients failure to behave in an acceptable way or achieve targets as a personal failure (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:95). These failures or client losses are another factor that contributes to burnout (Tappen R.1995:455). Other factors often experience by learning disabilities cares also contribute to burnout such as low pay, discrimination and inadequate advancement opportunities. Learning disabilities are often referred to as the Cinderella of the Cinderella services(Parish C. 2001:13), and as such tend to attract the least skilled workers, who are given a low status even in relationship to carers in other fields (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:93). Care is traditionally seen as womens work and therefore unskilled and unworthy (Brown H. Smith H. 1992:162/166). This is reflected in the fact that care staff are predominately women working part time, earning low levels of pay and having few opportunities to advance their careers (Hudson B. 2000: 88). Care work is rarely undertaken solely for financial gain; often the motives are more altruistic (Dagnan D. 1994:127). A study into staff satisfaction found that in spite of low pay care staff found rewards in the close nature of the caring relationship (Hudson B . 2000:89). Recent government white papers NHS and Community Care Act and Valuing People aim to enhance the status of learning disabilities by reorganising the way that the service is provided (Beacock C. 2001:23), and give those working in social care a new status which fits the work they do (Hudson B. 2000:99). These proposals may ultimately improve the status of the service, but in the short term the changes are creating more paperwork, require new skills, and are leading to greater job insecurity. These factors are adding to an already stressful job (Hudson B. 2000:96). Studies found that the main causes of stress for care workers were the inability to provide service users with what they needed, accountability or responsibility without power, frustration at office politics and uncertainty about the future (Hudson B. 2000:90). Powerlessness and unresponsiveness to client needs added to too much paper work are more factors that can contribute to burnout (Tappen R. 1995:456). Care staff are under a great deal of pressure, in their daily work they face all of the ten factors that contribute to burnout. This must ultimately have an affect on the way care is provided. I have no doubt that the staff at my placement are genuinely caring people who do their best to provide a high standard of care for their clients. However sometimes the quality of care I witnessed reflected the pressures they were facing. Only when the attitudes towards care work improve will its status be increased. This would in turn see a rise in pay and a decrease in the stress felt by carers, which would have the end result of improving the care received by clients. References Ajiboye P. (2000) Learning partners. No Limits. Autumn 2000 pp.11 Barratt M. Mottershead A. (1999) Understanding Industry. 5th Edition. London, Hodder Stoughton. Beacock C. (2001) Come in from the cold. Nursing Standard. Vol.15 no.28 pp.23 Brown H. Smith H. {Editors} (1992) Normalisation: a reader for the nineties. London, Routledge. Churton M. (2000) Theory and Method. London, Macmillan Press Ltd Crawford J. (1990) Maintaining Staff Morale: the value of a staff training and support network. Mental Handicap. Vol. 18 June pp.48-52 Dagnan D. (1994) The Stresses and Rewards of Being a Carer in a Family Placement Scheme for People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Vol.22 1994 pp.127-129 Dell T. (1998) How to Motivate People: a guide for managers. California, Crisp Publications Inc. Ellis R. Gates R. {Editors} (1995) Interpersonal Communication in Nursing: Theory and Practice. Kenworthy N. London, Churchill Livingstone. Grohar-Murray M, DiCroce H. (1997) Leadership and Management in Nursing. 2nd Edition. Connecticut, Appelton and Lange. Giddens A. (1997) Sociology. 3rd edition. Cambridge, Polity Press. Hudson B. Editor (2000) The Changing Role of Social Care. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd. Hogston R, Simpson P. {Editors} (1999) Foundations of Nursing Practice. London, Macmillan Press Ltd. Kenworthy N, Snowley G. (1996) Common Foundation Studies in Nursing. 2nd Edition. Gilling C. Singapore, Churchill Livingstone. Kozier B. Erb G. Berman A. (2000) Fundamentals of Nursing: concepts, process, and practice. Burke K. 6th Edition. New Jersey. Prentice-Hall Inc. Marsh I. (1996) Making sense of society: an introduction to sociology. London, Longman. Masllin-Prothero S. (1997) Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½res Study Skills for Nurses. London, Hardcourt Brace and Company Ltd. Oliver R. Endersby C. (1994) Teaching and Assessing Nurses: a handbook for preceptors. London, Baillià ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½re and Tindall. Parish C. (2001) Take the reins. Nursing Standard.Vol.15 no.29 pp.12-13 Quinn F. (1995) The Principles and Practice of Nurse Education.3rd Edition. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes (Pulishers) Ltd. Reed J. Procter S. (1993) Nurse Education A reflective approach. London, Edward Arnold. Salvage J. {Editor} (1999) Nursing Times Student Pack. London, Nursing Times. Tappen R. (1995) Nursing Leadership and Management: concepts and practice. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis Company. Tyson S. Jackson T. (1992) The Essence of Organizational Behaviour. Hemel Hempstead, Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. Bibliography Bartlett C. Bunning K. (1997) The Importance of Communication Partnerships: A study to investigate the communicative exchanges between staff and adults with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Vol.25 (1997) pp.148-154 Brigham L. Atkinson D, (2000) Crossing Boundaries, Change and Continuity in the History of Jackson M, Rolph S, Walmsley J. Learning Disability. Plymouth, BILD Publications. Booth T. Simons K. (1990) Outward bound: Relocation and community care for people with Booth W. learning difficulties. Buckingham, Open University Press. Clegg A. (2000) Leadership: improving the quality of patient care. Nursing Standard.Vol.14 no.30 pp.43-45 Clissett P. (2001) The Effectiveness of NVQ Training. Nursing Management. Vol. 8 no. 1 pp.11-13. Clutterbuck D. (1991) Everyone needs a Mentor: fostering talent at work. 2nd Edition. London, Institute of Personnel Management. Dinsdale P. (2001) Community spirit. Nursing Standard. Vol.15 no.39 pp.14 Gray J. (2001) Inside out: Analysis of the difficulties surrounding participant observation. Nursing Standard.Vol.15 no.31 pp.51 Hattersley J, Hosking G, (1987) People with Mental Handicap: Perspectives on intellectual Morrow D, Myers M. disability. London, Faber and Faber Ltd. Hill M. {Editor} (2000) Local Authority Social Services: an introduction. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Kroese S. Fleming I. (1992) Staffs Attitudes and Working Conditions in Community-Based Group Homes of People with Mental Handicaps. Mental Handicap Research. Vol. 5, no.1 pp 82-91. Moore S. (1987) Sociology Alive Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd. Oliver M. Barnes C. (1998) Disabled People and Social Policy: from Exclusion to Inclusion. London, Longman. Quinn E. (2001) Stressed out? RCN Magazine. Spring 2001 pp.14-15 Sarantakos S. (1998) Social Research. 2nd Edition. London, MacMillan. Wilson J. (1994) The Care Trade: a picture of health. Lancaster, Quay Pulishing Ltd.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Looking at Two Paintings in the Boulder Public Library :: Personal Narrative Writing

Looking at Two Paintings in the Boulder Public Library I love to kill time. It was once said by a wise man that the one thing we’re all given an equal amount of is time, and how we use this time is what will ultimately determine the course of our lives. These days, there are plenty of instructions for those who are still unsure how to use time. â€Å"We need revision .02 living with upgraded busyness. So download the latest groupware and be sure to e-wire all those efforts to the 5 to 9 and 27/4 multitaskers.† At least it’s something like that, I can ususally pay attention until they start in with the math. At any rate, it’s needless to say that instead of working late to pay for a bigger roof, I prefer to leave early and catch the setting sun. Instead of spending Saturday morning taped to a desk, I prefer to wander the wide aisles of the local library, where coincidentally, this paper takes place. A library is like a compact, concrete garden of the globe. Where all the world’s diverse words are arranged by their type and placed in orderly rows. Now, Boulder is known somewhat for its diversity, and the library doesn’t stick out here for that reason. It’s more like the official logo stamped on the place, the swoosh under the Nike lettering. Here it was that wandering round the bookstacks, I came to a section of wall that had two paintings on it. They were both painted by the same two people, Leo and Diane Dillon, in the same year, 1978. Having paid the bills, and stocked the fridge some weeks previous, I was pleased to realize I had a little time to kill and could afford a closer look. The first painting, the one on the left, is entitled â€Å"Owl Woman†. The woman is sitting against an orange backdrop in a wide, deep brown dress that flows off the lower left hand corner of the painting. On her right hand is a rough leather glove, where perches a little orange and white owl. Her left hand is ungloved and is nestled in her lap. Worn around her head and down her shoulders all the way until it seems to be perched in her lap is the semi-transparent image of a gigantic owl. The owl’s head itself is not transparent, and is worn over the woman’s head like a snug bonnet. The woman’s face is clearly visible.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Impact of Digital Technology on the Film Industry Essay -- Technol

The Impact of Digital Technology on the Film Industry The purpose of this research assignment is to put forward a convincing argument in how digital technology in the last four years have completely revolutionised the whole film industry. This thesis will attempt to focus on the main disciplines of film making and the impact that technology has had on each area. Firstly, this article will look at recent changes in the pre-production area of film making followed by what new equipment and storage facilities are being used during film production. Next is arguable the biggest transformation in the film industry as a result of technology, namely the post production stage. New methods of film distribution are explored followed by the negative impact that technology has had on the film industry with the main focus being on the illegal distribution of copyrighted film footage. New ways in post-theatre film distribution is also explored and the impact that continual break-through technologies are having on the education and training of profe ssionals working within the film industry. Finally an examination of the impact of computer generated graphics on the film industry is concluded by a brief discussion on what the future may hold for the film industry. During the pre-production phase, digital tools and technology have transformed the script writing process by making use of digital tools and the internet. The internet is being used by scriptwriters to forward their scripts to directors and potential cast members but it also caters for peer reviews by way of online forums. There has been a significant increase in the last decade in the use of digital video cameras for low-budget film shooting along with higher definition vide... ...y conceivable scene can be computer generated if resources are committed to achieve the desired goal. Technology is set to continue to revolutionise the film industry for many years to come (Huang 2004). Reference List Bishop, Rod & Case, Dominic & Axarlis, Stella & Plante, Johanna & Allsop, Derek 2000, Innovation in the Australian Film Industry, Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, Canberra. Culkin, Nigel & Randle, Keith 2003, Facing the Digital Future: The Implications of Digital Technology for the Film Industry, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire. Huang, Gregory 2004, The New Face of Hollywood, Technology Review, Markman, David & Vega 2001, Mark, Digital Future: Movie Industry Tries to Keep One Step Ahead of Hackers, Daily Journal, Los Angeles. The Impact of Digital Technology on the Film Industry Essay -- Technol The Impact of Digital Technology on the Film Industry The purpose of this research assignment is to put forward a convincing argument in how digital technology in the last four years have completely revolutionised the whole film industry. This thesis will attempt to focus on the main disciplines of film making and the impact that technology has had on each area. Firstly, this article will look at recent changes in the pre-production area of film making followed by what new equipment and storage facilities are being used during film production. Next is arguable the biggest transformation in the film industry as a result of technology, namely the post production stage. New methods of film distribution are explored followed by the negative impact that technology has had on the film industry with the main focus being on the illegal distribution of copyrighted film footage. New ways in post-theatre film distribution is also explored and the impact that continual break-through technologies are having on the education and training of profe ssionals working within the film industry. Finally an examination of the impact of computer generated graphics on the film industry is concluded by a brief discussion on what the future may hold for the film industry. During the pre-production phase, digital tools and technology have transformed the script writing process by making use of digital tools and the internet. The internet is being used by scriptwriters to forward their scripts to directors and potential cast members but it also caters for peer reviews by way of online forums. There has been a significant increase in the last decade in the use of digital video cameras for low-budget film shooting along with higher definition vide... ...y conceivable scene can be computer generated if resources are committed to achieve the desired goal. Technology is set to continue to revolutionise the film industry for many years to come (Huang 2004). Reference List Bishop, Rod & Case, Dominic & Axarlis, Stella & Plante, Johanna & Allsop, Derek 2000, Innovation in the Australian Film Industry, Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, Canberra. Culkin, Nigel & Randle, Keith 2003, Facing the Digital Future: The Implications of Digital Technology for the Film Industry, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire. Huang, Gregory 2004, The New Face of Hollywood, Technology Review, Markman, David & Vega 2001, Mark, Digital Future: Movie Industry Tries to Keep One Step Ahead of Hackers, Daily Journal, Los Angeles.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Comparison between Salazar and other Authoritarian Regime in the era

Estado Novo or simply the New State was established after the overthrowing of the first republic in 1933. The second Republic was established by Antonio de Oliveira. This authoritarian regime adopted an integral orientation totally different from what characterized most of the fascist states in Europe. The basis of his authoritarian rule was on the premises of economic and political stability; he instituted major reforms which greatly privileged the people in the upper classes to the disadvantage of the poor section of the society. The regime that Salazar established was more inclined towards the church and there was much influence from it, perhaps this emanates from the fact that he was a strong catholic himself. It has been described as a nationalist political regime which was almost similar to the one established hy his italian counterpart , Benito Mussolini. The regime was nevertheless different from the Mussolini Fascism because of its different and less totalitarian leanings. His State was basically founded on the Catholicism and the Anti-communism ideologies. Salazar did not claim in developing power for his regime with the same degree as fascist did (Cook, B 2001) One of the outstanding difference between Salazar and other dictators is that he did not intiate the cult of personality instead he is more recognized for his mere simple and ascetic manners. â€Å"his one party system was based on a different premise to those of Germany and Italy,the ruling party Unicao Nacional was not intended as a radical means of reshaping political view and mobilizing political opinion rather it was a device to create consensus or to demobilize politics altogether. (Lee,Stephen 2000) The origin of Salazar and Hitler’s regimes is coincidental, Hitler and Salazar arose to power on the same year and precisely the same month, the two dictators’ ascension to power was seen by many as the hope of their nations. The two leaders had the same agendas but none seemed to be fascinated by the other. During the Second World War Portugal chose to remain neutral and safeguard her interest both locally and internationally. Her support for either of the sides would have threatened it own existence and the colonies it owned overseas. (Stanely, G 2008) Perhaps the common factor that the two dictators shared during this war period was the hatred towards soviet communism, they felt that rise of communism would be a great threat to the capitalist attitudes adopted by their regimes. (Lieitz, C 2000) notes that the two leaders worked very hard towards frustrating Soviet attempt to spread their communism ideologies to the different parts of Europe. Salazar and Franco of Portugal had a common fear of the Anglo-Russian agreement and the relationship that Russia was having with the United Nation. As time went on the two dictators greatly depended on Germany for trade as this was a very important element for their retention of their power, they felt that the rise of communist power would have a great influence and this would ultimately jeopardize their regimes. (Cull, N Holbrook, D, Welch, D 2003) Stanely, G (1987) attribute Salazar regime survival in power to his manipulative ability where he gave some fictitious power to some of the institutions, elections continued to be held where president was elected but he continued to control the most powerful office on the land, Stanely, G notes that Salazar allowed kept some kind of constitution dispensation something which was totally different with Franco’s regime. According to Stanely and Paney this â€Å" enabled Salazar to the degree of opprobrium suffered by the Franco regime in 1945†(p631). Despite being a dictator he was able to penetrate the walls made by the international community barring dictators the limelight enjoyed by the democracies especially in the western world. (Christian, L 2001) Despite the fact that Salazar wanted Portugal to thrive economically he has been described as having established a traditional and conservative regime. Compared to what Mussolini and his Germany counterpart achieved he fell short of industrializing his country. He had no ambitions of expansion â€Å"Portugal has no need for wars, usurpations or conquests† (Lee, Stephen 2000). Portugal seemed more satisfied with what they had explaining the reason why Salazar felt they should first preserve what they had acquired in the past, this contradicted with Hitler and Mussolini who felt that expansion was the only way to consolidate power. Salazar regime has been described as one of the milder dictatorships in the period after the two great wars. The carefully adopted policy initiated and approached by Salazar explains why his regime outlived the other right wing authorities but this longevity has been greatly attributed to the country’s delay in democratization.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thoreaus’ Campaign against Blind Obedience to the Government

Led by his disgust against the slavery and the war of the United States against Mexico, Henry David Thoreau (1848) called on men and women to stand up against a government that perpetuates injustices through his essay Resistance to Civil Government, also known as Civil Disobedience. The central tenet of this essay is his pronouncement that â€Å"that government is best, which governs least. † He expounded on the role of the government as being more harmful than helpful to the overall condition of the people in the society.He said that even democracy is not an answer to this, because democracy simply highlights the decision of the majority, which is not necessarily seasoned by wisdom. One of the important expressions of the will of the government is through its laws. Thoreau, however, favors the cultivation of respect towards what is right since the law does not make humans more just. In this essay, he also used the metaphor of the machine in depicting the kind of agency the go vernment is.Moreover, he referred to people who blindly follow the government as robots without conscience. Thoreau also raised his voice against paying taxes and even voting for justice since, according to him, these activities only contribute to the injustices committed by the government. He conceded, however, that he is willing to pay taxes which will directly contribute to the upholding of his neighbor’s good.In a bold statement, he also called for the breaking of the law if the law is unjust. Being put in jail is but another means to assert one man’s freedom since the government cannot really take away from him who he is. Simple living is another value exemplified by Thoreau in his essay. By being simple, he does not have great anxieties. Thoreau’s essay has had far-reaching consequences and influence on subsequent leaders who used civil disobedience. Reference Thoreau, H. D. (1848). On the Duty of Civil Disobedience. Retrieved 19 July 2007 from

Cause and solution of environmental degradation Essay

Environmental degradation is not a new thing, it has been happening all over the world for centuries. The problem is that it is now occurring at a much faster rate, therefore not leaving enough time for the environment to recover and regenerate. Some of environmental degradation types are fossil fuel burning, waste disposal and deforestation. To begin with, the burning of fossil fuels by humans is the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases rise into the air and contribute to global warming, which threatens the health of the oceans and the diverse organisms living there. In order to eliminate this pollution, people would rather replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power, burning waste and water power. It is achievable for everyone but fossil fuels are very limited and becoming exhausted. Another factor which causes environmental degradation is waste disposal. In commerce, businesses mostly use non-biodegradable packaging, which many years to decompose, to reduce expense extremely. Industrial waste often contains chemicals eliminating directly to the sea without treatment which can lead to the pollution of water supplies. Moreover, household waste such as plastic and glass bottle without recycling is buried underground possibly causing land pollution. To improve the current environment issue, Government should release a policy for businesses, factory and household to concern about waste treatment, which is often omitted because of high cost. Businesses should use green packaging which is easy to decompose gradually, waste treatment process should be installed in factories and citizens must begin to recycle goods and packaging whenever possible. Deforestation is one of the main reasons causing environmental degradation. It is an act of clearing forest in order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. If this deforestation is not stop or controlled, the consequence could be soil degradation and erosion, changes in climatic conditions and destruction of natural habitats. In order to ameliorate deforestation, the local authorities should pay attention on forest reservation, encourage local people taking part in growing tree campaign or build green belt around urban area. To sum up, environmental degradation is becoming more and more serious worldwide. Governmental and social organizations should contribute actively to help people acknowledge the important of environment conservation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Information System Management Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Information System Management Assignment - Essay Example I will discuss about the basic needs for the outsourcing for some parts of our IT operation and system development. Then the second part of this report is aimed to discuss the implementation of the home working/ teleworking scheme within Chrichton. This section will concentrate on the teleworking implementation, its advantages and disadvantages and ways by which we can implemented within the organization. This section provides the brief introduction of the company. Crichton was established as a family business in 1964, increasing and selling plants in marketplaces throughout the Midlands and south of England. The corporation has developed a standing for high excellence at small price and by means of knowledgeable family members manning the marketplace stalls, the business raised quickly. Near the beginning of year 1968, Crichton opened their first permanent shop on a site near busy route just north of London. Through the 70s and 80s Crichtons sustained to develop, spreading into garden accessories like that the garden furniture, children’s play equipment and barbecues and garden planning/ design.1 (As provided in the case study) This section is about the basic establishment of the corporate information system that was implemented to augment the on the whole business. In 2006, the decision was taken by the Crichton family that they should move into internet based sales in addition to the accessible shops. After protracted negotiations, Crichton brought the diggitin web business, with Hanson becoming a member of the management board at Crichton. Astely was retained to manage the web operation and associated garden design applications. Gee, who was frustrated with an increasingly desk-based role at diggitin left to resume her gardening/landscape business. She remains active in the diggitin online forums, for which she is paid. By 2008 Crichtons permanent workforce had grown to nearly 400 and turnover

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The benefits and effects of steroids for asthma pateints Assignment

The benefits and effects of steroids for asthma pateints - Assignment Example Low dose of corticosteroids can prevent occurrence of any risks and help to receive more benefits from this treatment. However, this positive effect of inhaled corticosteroids observed in combination with low doses of bronchodilators. Asthma is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma is one of the pathological diseases that related to changing in the airway resistance. High number of people affected with asthma all over the world and this amount keep growing. Asthma appeared in western countries as a serious public health problem over the last 20 years. Asthma symptoms are different from one person to another and most common on early morning and at night. They emerged as cough, wheezing, breathing difficulties and chest tightness.asthma.There are several risk factors for asthma. There are predisposing, contributory, causal and aggravating factors. Gender and atopy are associated with predisposing factors. House dust, insects, pets and fungus and some occupational factors can induce asthma symptoms. Medicines, food additives and birthing cold air can trigger to asthma disease. These factors related to the aggravating risk factors. There are 5 genes in the human genome linked with asthma phenotypes,s o asthma is a genetic disorder. Further investigations in genetic predisposition can help to find new effective treatment. ( H. Los, 1999). Asthma is widespread all over the world. In low and high developed countries. The most important role in asthma appearance is air pollution. Asthma cases are increasing worldwide, especially in the UK and The USA. According to World Health Organization statistic 235 million people live with asthma all over the world. The figure 1 below show the prevalence of asthma in different countries (Masoli, M, 2004). Nocturnal asthma: Forced vital capacity, volume of air that person can forcefully exhale at 1 second (FEV1) at night is decreased. Among 75% of asthmatics usually has

Sunday, October 6, 2019

MAN-40036 strategy and information management assignment 2014 Essay

MAN-40036 strategy and information management assignment 2014 - Essay Example In addition, it has been able to develop a standard operating procedure that has been largely responsible for the identification, acquisition, and transfer of knowledge between the different stores in the company’s network. Because of the skill displayed by its management when handling diverse issues from its numerous stores globally, and also being able to venture into countries which speak different languages, IKEA has achieved success on the international scene where other companies take years to achieve the same. The vision of IKEA is to generate an enhanced daily life for the many people and in order to achieve it; this company has worked toward the provision of a range of well-designed and serviceable home furnishing (Meisler, 2004). In addition, it has ensured that the cost of production is low enough so that the sale price of its products is low enough to so that as many people as possible can be able to purchase them. The mission of IKEA supports it vision through the development of a diverse range of useful household and office products at prices which are low enough to ensure that as many of its customers as possible can afford them (Jonsson & Foss, 2011). In order to fulfill its mission, this company focuses towards the creation of good furniture design that is set at a low price. The furnishings that are offered by this company vary to a great degree and these cover every room in the home, with the aim of satisfying those people ranging from the romantic at heart to the minimalist. The company’s stores are so well coordinated that the designers are normally able to come up with products which meet the daily needs of their customers through the elimination of all those parts which are unnecessary. The cornerstone of IKEA’s mission is ensuring that the prices of its products remain low so that they can be available to everyone. In order to fulfill this

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lecture Notes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lecture Notes - Case Study Example Heat Exchanger found within the main furnace unit. When the system is turned on, heat air drawn into the air exchanger from outside of the building through a cold air return chase, which draws cool air from the interior of the building as it’s replaced by warmed air. Evaporator Coil; supplies cooled air for the furnace blower to distribute through the ducts or airways and is made of metal tubes surrounded by thin aluminum fins, which cool the air similar to a radiator in an automobile. Condensing Unit; located outside of the building and has a compressor that condenses refrigerant gas, cooled by heat exchange with the outside air, to a fluid, then pumps the fluid through a metal line to the evaporator coil in the furnace unit. As it passes through the evaporator coil, tiny spray nozzles spray the cooling fluid into a chamber, which lowers the pressure and the fluid evaporates back into a gas. In a building, they are supplement as they provide thermal comfort during cold weather, and fresh air within the reasonable distance from where they have been installed. They also minimize air infiltration and ensure pressure in different parts of a building is in equilibrium. They also ensure room air distribution. Some of it components include a thermostat, furnace, heat exchanger, condensing unit, refrigerant lines, and evaporating coil. In a building they serve various purposes which are usually perceived to be of help than harm; a thermostat is a temperature sensitive switch, used to control the HVAC system. When temperature lowers beyond room temperature switch the system to heat the room in therefore rising to the require room temperature. It also switches off the system if the optimum is achieved to prevent further heating. In this it enables the HVAC system to regulate the temperature of the building. High temperatures n a building causes a lot of

Friday, October 4, 2019

Human Resource Management Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resource Management Roles - Essay Example It should be noted that the needs of the diverse workforce are often contrasting in nature and hence HRM has a major role to play in managing such diverse workforce in healthcare industry. This paper briefly analyses the role of HRM in healthcare industry. The importance of communication between employees in healthcare industry is more than that in any other industry. Since healthcare professionals are dealing with human life, any error or mistake in communication may cost valuable lives. HR managers are responsible for providing ample training to the diverse workforce for the enhancement of communication. â€Å"A properly trained and competent workforce is essential to any successful health care system† (Kabene et al., 2006). â€Å"It is essential to maintain an appropriate mix between the different types of health promoters and caregivers to ensure the systems success† (Kabene et al., 2006). HR is responsible for maintaining sound relationships between different health promoters and care givers. For example, videoconferencing techniques are widely used in healthcare sector while doctors conduct complex surgeries. This modern technique helps doctors to get expert advice from distant parts at the time of conducting surgery. HR is responsible for coordinating such things. â€Å"Better use of the spectrum of health care providers and better coordination of patient services through interdisciplinary teamwork have been recommended as part of health sector reform† (Kabene et al., 2006). HR is responsible for implementing reforms in a healthcare organization. It should be noted that the needs of patient in one locality may not be the same in another locality. HR is responsible for identifying the needs of both the patients and that of the healthcare professionals and take necessary actions to satisfy both. â€Å"A healthcare manager must be familiar with different federal and state laws

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Feminism & Law Essay Example for Free

Feminism Law Essay Feminism simply refers to the thought that women and men should have similar and equal rights in all fronts, be it sexually, politics, economics or civil amongst others. Though feminism efforts can be traced back to the late 19th century, intense activism can be placed at the upper quarter of the 20th century where there arose feminist movements, philosophy, theories and literature supporting equality between the genders. Indeed these movements and efforts bore fruits and are credited with the revolution that would see a flurry of laws enacted and policies aimed at opening more opportunities implemented. The recent past years have seen this change and feminist movements have become dormant and almost irrelevant, many agree that this has been brought forth by the mere fact that their grievances were addressed. Indeed feminism had genuine grievances. A look at the traditional society, and also the prevailing circumstances up to the world war period, indicates that the society was highly patriarchal. Both the unwritten and the written rules were aimed at subjugating women while elevating the position of men in all aspects. Job opportunities, politics and economics were wholly dominated by men. Women leadership was looked down upon and women roles were only limited to household chores. The Declaration of Sentiments, a document detailing grievances of women as published in 1846 during the Seneca Falls Convention, has clearly outlined these concerns indicating how inequality raged in the male dominated society be it in the marriages, economics and also in the workplaces (Estelle, 2003). The key grievances ranged from the role of women in marriages and also the pursuit of equal opportunities in the workplaces. The first wave of feminism was concentrating its efforts in rooting out inequality aimed at property rights and universal voting rights. These were accorded by the law by the first quarter of the 20th century. The second wave of liberation was radical and was pursuing injustices meted out against women revolving around cultural and political inequalities. These grievances were touching on the very foundation of marriage and sought to ensure that a woman’s voice and rights in marriage were respected and ensured by the law. Consequently, legislations recognizing marital rape were enacted and women’s rights in regard to divorces were also put into place. Abortion was also a key concern and resulted to intensified activism demanding for women to be allowed to take control of their sexuality and also the fate of their pregnancies. The Roe v Wade landmark court ruling that outlawed abortion was seen as a major success for feminist movements. Political and social rights were advanced. The third wave of feminism became referred to as the Women’s Liberation and took place from the late 1970s to 1990s. This was aimed at rooting out sexism and all forms of discriminations especially in the workplaces. Women demanded laws aimed at tackling sex discrimination and abuse. This was a wave that was also aiming at rooting out the perception that feminist movements were pursuing the upper class women, it is for this reason that this movement began focusing at the issues that generally affected women such as gender based violence and the removal of gender based connotations and stereotypes (Estelle 2006). With the accomplishments of the ideals that feminism sought to achieve, there is now a general feeling that feminism has become irrelevant. As Anita (2004, 96) contends, â€Å"years and years ago this feminist thing was really big and people did fight for women’s rights, and that was good. But we are equal now, so there’s not that need. † This is indeed the prevailing situation; feminism has ceased to be relevance. Women have acquired rights and although still disadvantaged, have equal rights to men. The angry bra burning and men bashing activists are no longer around as their common objectives were met and the modern woman is unencumbered by the traditional feminist ties (Estelle 2006). The popular media is said to mirror the society bringing into perspective all the held perceptions and norms. A comparison of the movies that cropped up a couple of decades ago and today’s movies for example indicates a stark contrast. Whereas the 80s movies gave women subtle and supportive roles, modern movies are according men and women equal roles and are portraying women playing the roles that were regarded as the preserve of men. They are also no longer seen as sex toys and objects to provide comic relief in movies and magazines but are rather playing active roles. Today’s women are seen as assertive in their own right but not mere props to support men, they are holding executive roles and have plunged deep into the cutthroat executive and political affairs if the recent Hillary Clintons candidature is anything to go by. They possess charisma and enough magnetic pull to carry out demanding political tasks as their men counterparts. Though sexism is yet to be eradicated, the rigorous feminist movements no longer enjoy the huge membership like they used to in the 80s, today they have taken a more integrative approach. References Anita H. (2004). All about the girl: culture, power, and identity. Routledge. Estelle B. F. (2006) Feminism, sexuality, and politics: essays. UNC Press. Estelle B. F. (2003) No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women. Ballantine Books.